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  • Writer's pictureHarry Smith

 A road not travelled…

Like this photograph I took in Donegal a few years ago, I'm on a road I haven't travelled before. All I know is that I have stepped out on a journey with God, with the knowledge that He has given me insights into something very significant, important, for the body of Christ in Ireland: how, what has been called an ‘empire spirit’ has profoundly and negatively influenced Irish society - politically and spiritually - for centuries. In the words of one senior Church leader, “It provides a new narrative” for the way forward for inter-church discussions, for the healing of historic wounds. 

I would add to that by saying, that it is also a wake-up call to the church in Ireland. We are in a spiritual battle and God is alerting us as to where the battle lines are truly drawn. It is not against “flesh and blood”, “us v them”. That is what satan has led us to believe! Rather, it's against him and the undermining of God's purposes for Ireland - through us, the church!

I am of course thinking about my recently published book A Tree has Roots: the journey God has taken me on to write it; the way ahead regarding it; its distribution and most importantly the response God wants us to make for His future Kingdom purposes here!

Regarding that, I am very aware of my need for your prayers:

  • For stamina as I continue to grapple with the symptoms of long covid.

  • For Divine favour in my writing to and conversations with church and ministry leaders.

  • I realise the need to meet with groups of people - small or large in number. What God has given me an understanding of ideally needs to be communicated face-to-face with people. Let me know if you can arrange a meeting or connect me with a group.

  • That Christian Bookshops will have it available for sale. You can ask your local Christian Bookshop to have it in stock. If you want a complimentary copy to give to the owner, I can send you one. Amazon is in the process of making it available online. The main UK Christian distributor Kingsway CLC now have it catalogued.

  • I would love to have a group meeting on a fairly regular basis to pray into this stronghold. 2 Cor. 10:4, 5. That requires a venue!

  • Would you prayerfully consider getting a few people together to discuss the book and pray? At the back of the book are a series of questions, Points to Ponder, for individual consideration or group discussion. One of the reasons why I am offering it at the reduced cost mentioned below.

Thank you,


You can buy further copies for yourself, your church leader(s) or friends, from me by cheque or Bank Transfer. Message me your address.

Cost: £6.99 + £2.10 postage (UK).

The Euro equivalent for 1 copy, incl p&p, is approximately €11.

For 5 copies or more, I can sell them to you at £5.99 each + postage (UK). 

Payable to Harry Smith

Sort Code. 93-84-67

A/c no. 38389158

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