Links to other ministries:
Transformations Ireland.
George Otis Jnr. - Sentinel Group.
Alistair Petrie - Partnership Ministries.
Terry & Darlene Wildman – Rainsong.
Fawn Parish - International Reconciliation Coalition and Reignbridge School of Reconciliation Studies.
Recommended reading:
Terry Wildman - Sign Language: A Look at the Historic and Prophetic Landscape of America .
My friend Terry Wildman (an Ojibwe Indian) writes of a justice long denied… for Native peoples who have suffered the loss of lands, livelihood, and life as the American empire spread across the continent… Like the prophets of Israel, he seeks to correct our eyesight—to set before us God’s vision and God’s truth and to expose things that we, the American church, would rather not see about ourselves. Like the biblical prophets, he shoulders a burden that he bears out of love for God, the people of God, and the nation. Terry knows what God’s ancient messengers knew, that right remembering is essential for right believing and right living. He not only sees the past well, he knows how to read the present and direct us into God’s future. This book will open up a new way of seeing. It will certainly disturb and unsettle you. If it does only these things, however, it will not succeed completely. In the end, this book should prod you to action. I encourage you to read Terry’s words with an open mind and a responsive heart, recalling what God revealed long ago about what is good and what He requires of his people: to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk in a humble way with our God. (Dan Hawk)
Shirley Bowers - From History to Hope.
Shirley comes from Huntingdon, England, the birthplace of Oliver Cromwell. When God began to reveal to her and her team “the negative impact of what history had brought between the English and the Irish through the Cromwell era … They prayed in faith that God would begin to reverse the cycle and heal the land.” This book catalogues that incredible journey of discovery, prayer and healing.
Darrell Fields - The Seed of a Nation.
Because a seed retains its DNA, even through generations of dormancy, an awakening is exactly what is needed. The Seed of a Nation successfully consolidates the historical evidence to support the legitimacy of the seed planted in North America. You will be compelled to reconsider racial divisions and the widely debated Separation of Church and State as you read through the three major themes of the book: covenant, reconciliation and freedom. You will see why many now acknowledge William Penn as America’s first Founding Father whose paternal voice can speak to the moral dilemma America faces regarding the message of freedom.
John Dawson - Healing America's Wounds.
This handbook is a foundational, cutting-edge text on national repentance and reconciliation regarding the United States of America - the principals in it are nevertheless of tremendous help for Christians in any country - in it you will discover how you can play a part in breaking the chain of sin that has been handed down from generation to generation; see what to do about sexual conflict; divisive Christians; political polarization; racial tension and more. It will help you seek God’s plan for you in the reconciliation of a divided America.
James Wilson - The Earth Shall Weep.
The Earth Shall Weep is a ground-breaking, critically acclaimed history of the Native American peoples. James Wilson weaves a historical narrative that puts Native Americans at the centre of their struggle for survival against the tide of invading European peoples and cultures. The Earth Shall Weep charts the collision course between Euro-Americans and the indigenous people of the continent, from the early interactions at English settlements on the Atlantic coast, through successive centuries of encroachment and outright warfare, to the new political force of the Native American activists of today.
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